Senator Shipstead was renominated to a fourth term.
Nelson was an attorney from Austin, GOP nominee for Governor in 1934 and 1936 and candidate in 1938 and 1942, Progressive nominee for U.S. Senate in 1942, and Minnesota Supreme Court Justice (1953-1972).
Chase was a former Anoka municipal judge (1911-1916), deputy state Auditor (1916-1921), state Auditor (1921-1931), Republican gubernatorial nominee in 1930, and U.S. Representative (At-large, 1933-1935). He would later serve on the Railroad and Warehouse Commission (1944-1948).
Andreen was a resident of St. Peter and former state Commander of the American Legion.
Hagen was a physician from Moorhead.
Howard was a resident of Minneapolis and former state Representative (HD 34, 1917-1923).
Ferch was a resident of Odessa, president of the state Federation of Township Officers, Republican nominee for SD 56 in 1906, Farmer-Labor candidate for U.S. Senate in 1924, and Independent Progressive candidate for Governor in 1924.
Zeiner was a farmer from Belfast Township.