Lee A. Ramsdell Candidate

Born: August 3, 1950
Brainerd, Minnesota
Crow Wing County
United States
Resided: Silver Bay, Minnesota
Lake County
Death: November 3, 2017
Gender: Man
Occupation: Heavy equipment mining operator
Political Party: Democratic-Farmer-Labor
Offices Held: Lake County Commissioner (eight years).
Sources: Minnesota Birth Certificate Index (1950-MN-060628). Minnesota Death Certificate Index (2017-MN-036931). Minneapolis Star Tribune, July 20, 1994 (p. B2). Cavallin Funeral Home, "Lee Ramsdell," November 2017.
Photo of Lee A. Ramsdell
Photo of Lee A. Ramsdell
Cavallin Funeral Home, "Lee Ramsdell," November 2017.

Election Details

Number of state/federal offices sought Number of campaigns Number of winning campaigns
1 1 0
Date Election Stage Party Votes Percent Result
09/13/1994 State House, District 06A Primary Democratic-Farmer-Labor 1,067 13.65% Lost