Dawn Gillman Candidate

Born: October 8, 1973
McLeod County
United States
Resided: Dassel, Minnesota
Meeker County
Death: --
Gender: Woman
Occupation: Business owner
Political Party: Republican
Offices Held: Dassel City Councilor. State Representative: HD 17A (2023-present).
Notes: Gillman was an unsuccessful candidate for the Dassel-Cokato (ISD #466) School Board in a 2018 special election.
Sources: Minnesota Birth Certificate Index. Candidate campaign website.
Photo of Dawn Gillman
Photo of Dawn Gillman
Minnesota House of Representatives.

Election Details

Number of state/federal offices sought Number of campaigns Number of winning campaigns
1 3 3
Date Election Stage Party Votes Percent Result
11/05/2024 State House, District 17A General Republican 17,053 71.03% Won
08/13/2024 State House, District 17A Primary Republican 2,093 84.02% Won
11/08/2022 State House, District 17A General Republican 13,431 70.25% Won