Anna Wills Candidate

Born: October 13, 1984
Hennepin County
United States
Resided: Apple Valley, Minnesota
Dakota County

Rosemount, Minnesota
Dakota County
Death: --
Gender: Woman
Occupation: Legislative assistant, Senator Michelle Benson
Political Party: Republican
Offices Held: State Representative: HD 57B (2013-2019).
Notes: Born Anna Christa Kihlstadius.
Sources: Minnesota Birth Certificate Index. Sun ThisWeek, "Candidates in District 57B offer contrast: Anna Wills," July 3, 2012. Pioneer Press, "Elections 2018: Anna Wills vs. John Huot for Minnesota House District 57B," October 24, 2018.
Photo of Anna Wills
Photo of Anna Wills
Minnesota House of Representatives.

Election Details

Number of state/federal offices sought Number of campaigns Number of winning campaigns
1 4 3
Date Election Stage Party Votes Percent Result
11/06/2018 State House, District 57B General Republican 10,373 48.04% Lost
11/08/2016 State House, District 57B General Republican 12,382 53.66% Won
11/04/2014 State House, District 57B General Republican 9,083 58.40% Won
11/06/2012 State House, District 57B General Republican 11,906 53.18% Won