Ahmad R. Hassan Candidate

Born: October 10, 1952
Resided: Katy, Texas
Harris County
Death: --
Gender: Man
Racial Minority: Egyptian-American
Occupation: Real estate broker
Political Party: Democratic-Farmer-Labor
Notes: Hassan was a Republican candidate for Texas' 9th CD in 2004, Republican nominee for Texas' 18th CD in 2006, Democratic candidate for Harris County (Texas) Judge in 2008, 2010, and 2022, Democratic candidate for Texas' 22nd CD in 2016, and Democratic candidate for Texas' 17th SD in 2018.
Sources: Duluth News Tribune, "Candidate's View: Liberty, Freedom Are Highest Priorities," July 16, 2020.
Photo of Ahmad Hassan
Photo of Ahmad Hassan
Candidate Facebook page.

Election Details

Number of state/federal offices sought Number of campaigns Number of winning campaigns
1 2 0
Date Election Stage Party Votes Percent Result
08/13/2024 U.S. Senate Primary Democratic-Farmer-Labor 4,891 1.51% Lost
08/11/2020 U.S. Senate Primary Democratic-Farmer-Labor 20,037 3.51% Lost